We are proud to introduce Lars Mogensen Lars is one of the most loving, spiritual, and wonderful people we have ever met ! Here is one of the pictures we took when we were at Tyee resort in April |
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B. Mogensen, B. Ed., holds two years credits towards a masters degree
in Applied Behavioral Science and has extensively studied Esoteric Psychology,
Healing and Metaphysics. He is a student of Tibetan Master Djwal Khul
and considers himself a World Server. Lars practices Reiki and conducts
workshops on the Science and Psychology of personal transformation, as
well as counseling and teaching individuals in their personal and spiritual
growth. Since 1989, Lars has traveled throughout the world, anchoring
the Light in such various places as Uzbekistan, Russia, Israel, Australia,
and the United States. Lars is the Founder of the Light of Aquarius Center.
REIKI Reiki is a Japanese word meaning: Universal Life Energy, the energy that is all around us and within us. Through the practitioner this energy is directed to the client through the laying on of hands, using a system developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1800's. The client remains fully clothed during the treatment. When activated and applied for the purposes of healing, Reiki addresses the body, mind and spirit. It accelerates the body's ability to heal physical ailments and opens the mind to the causes of disease and pain, the necessity for taking responsibility for one's life and the joys of balanced well being. Reiki compliments any other treatment undertaken. Are you feeling any of these: Stressed Fatigued Back pain Neck pain Head aches Depressed or any other discomfort or just desiring to feel even better Then Reiki can assist you. |
LIGHT OF AQUARIUS CENTER Is an informal association of individuals with a belief in holistic living and dedicated to supporting others on the path to higher consciousness. Light of Aquarius Center is an Idea continually developing. Structures supporting the Idea only emerge as needed and mutually agreed upon. These structures cease to exist when no longer needed. Agreement creation is therefore a pivotal tool in the life of the Idea. Our Vision Statement and Operating Philosophy is our guiding light in all our interactions. Our purpose is to act as a catalyst in bringing unity of consciousness on a worldwide basis. A unity based on Love and the greater Good of all. |
Some ways we make it happen: We connect with other individuals, organizations and light centers, as well as promote anybody who adheres to the same Ideals. We conduct workshops. We offer a forum for group meditation. We teach various forms of group meditation. We teach and counsel on an individual basis. We practice Reiki.
VISION STATEMENT Our vision is creating new foundations for the unification of consciousness through Ageless Wisdom Teachings in a structure of mutual respect. OPERATING PHILOSOPHY 1. We hold that all of humanity are brothers and sisters in spirit. 2. We are motivated by love. 3. We dedicate ourselves to the plan of all creation and the greater good of all. 4. We honor diversity and promote unity. 5. We believe that we must lead by example. 6. We believe that all we do must have practical application. |
Mantra of Unification The sons of men are one and I am one with them. I seek to love, not hate. I seek to serve and not to exact due service. I seek to heal, not hurt. Let pain bring due reward of Light and Love. Let the soul control the outer form of life and all events, and bring to light the love which underlies the happenings of time. Let vision come, and insight. Let the future stand revealed. Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone. Let love prevail. Let all men love. (Mantra given by Tibetan Master Djwal Khul) |
Lars B. Mogensen
138 Burlington Avenue
Bamfield, BC Canada
(250) 728-3090
© 2015 Tickles and Sparkles All rights reserved |