Tickles and Sparkles Newsletter
January 2007

It has been awhile since I have put together a newsletter and I would like to apologize to all of the wonderful people who read this newsletter. I will do better this Year!

I hope you have started this New Year off with positive thoughts and excitement about all the things you are creating this year. I know I have been very excited about the New Year and I feel there are many wonderful things I can create this year, like smiling more often, for I know that a smile can lift some one's spirit in just the time it takes to turn the corners of your mouth upwards. I will smile more and I will laugh often because laughter is contagious. What is on Your Creation List for 2007?

Each Day Take a Moment to Think of Something You Are Thankful For
When we take a moment to be thankful for the life, the love, the things, family, friends and more, we see that we have we actually created more for ourselves. This I know works and it can help us to look at life in a more joyful way. Often we forget to be grateful for the wonderful life we do have on this beautiful Earth.
Try for one week to write down each day something you are thankful for in your day.
The next week write two things you are thankful for each day.
I am sure you know where I am going with this by now. I would love to know how this has worked for you by the end of the second week. You may be surprised at the wonderful results you get.

Timing is Everything
I have been wondering what I should write about today as I sat here thinking of what would be interesting and helpful to the people who take the time to read this newsletter. I got that I should write about Divine timing and how it works. I think that everyone wishes they could create something in their lives that would manifest instantly. Yes, there are times that Divine timing does work very quickly on our creations. There are times when it seems our creation or wish has been put on the back burner to simmer for a while. When this occurs some people begin to stew about their wish or creation not happening fast enough and what do they do? They GIVE UP! They let go of the idea or wish. Now this is when their wish or creation then can manifest. Why is this? Because the person has truly let go. Sometimes there are people who say in their minds that they have given up and secretly keep their wish inside holding onto it. This is more common than we ever may think for the wish is still with us and can only manifest if we truly let it go and let the Universe take care of how it manifests. I have learned that if I ask for whatever it is that I desire and then I ask for my wish, creation, to happen in Divine timing and in ways that are good for all involved. Next I let it go and know that whatever happens it is the right thing for me at the time.
There are times when we really desire an outcome or something that is not the best for us and when we give it out to the universe the universe in turn gives us something better than we had asked for. This happens because you have expected the best and you are ready to receive it. Okay so sometimes bad things happen or you get something that is not good as you had wished it to be. There can be several reasons this happens. There may be a lesson still to be learned, and will assist you in the future. Maybe if you got your wish or creation it would cause anger, resentment or loss down the road. The biggest reason is because it is not the right timing for you to have this experience and maybe you have not really put this out to the universe.
For Example: A great new job becomes available to you and you have an appointment for an important interview with the potential employer. You have woke up early and are on the freeway in plenty of time to get to your destination when you hear on the radio that traffic is tied up for miles in the direction you are going. There is no way you could get there in time. You call and you are told that if you do not make your appointment you will loose out on the job you truly desire. You feel as if you will never get your dream job. When you arrive at home there is a message on your phone another company you were interested in has invited you to work for them and the pay is more than you had expected. The company is closer to your home and the people are wonderful to work with. You feel so lucky you were not able to get to the interview with the other company because a month later that company down sized and you would have been let go. Yes! the Universe had seen to it that you got the right job after all.

Now create a wonderful experience and ask the Universe to help you.

Recommended Reading
Angel Numbers written by Doreen Virtue and Lynnette Brown
Have you ever looked at the clock at 4:44 or 3:33 have you wondered why you seem to look at clock at the same time of day for several days in a row and thought maybe this means something. Well this book tells the messages of the numbers. This is a great little book. The price is just $9.95. www.hayhouse.com

Start the New Year with a Norwegian Card Reading from Julie
Julie combines her intuitive psychic abilities and regular playing cards to give you a wonderful reading, which is very informative and personal. Your reading will help you to recognize what you can do to make positive improvements in your life and will give you direction into your future. Julie will allow plenty of time for you to ask questions after she reads the cards and she can assist you in creating positive outcomes to situations you would like to create. You can email Julie for a 10% discount when you book an appointment through February 2007. You must request this discount by emailing Julie@ticklesandsparkles.com there will be a link to the discount page emailed to you.

I wish you all the best and may your path be smooth and your life be filled with joy and happiness.

Tickles and Sparkles from Julie

Be sure to visit www.ticklesandsparkles.com

To make an appointment with Julie for a Reading
call 916-726-4892
or email julie@ticklesandsparkles.com